Common Prayers

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The Church of Jou encourages the faithful to take a personal approach to praying, to pray in a way that speaks to them. The purpose of common prayers is to provide a foundation for the faithful to express their faith. The common prayers are often used during community services so they can be recited or sung as hymns as a collective.

The categories are merely a suggestion for intended use, each prayer should be used in whatever circumstances they can offer the most comfort.


Prayers for affirmation and acceptance of the faith.

Let Jou Guide You

Would you let me guide you?
When there's no one by your side
In the darkness between the stars
When you are lost
In the silence of space
When there is doubt in your head
In the absence of faith
When your heart is broken
And you cannot see the dawn of the day
I will hold you in the depths of your despair

The Light

Like the sun that rises anew
the shadow of my doubt has lifted
When I saw Her Grace
and my heart has filled with faith
At last I can see the Light
that will guide me on the righteous path

What Have You Learned?

What have you learned?
It is better to tell the truth than to lie
What have you learned?
Violence isn't always the key
What have you learned?
You can't always believe what you see
What have you learned?
To follow Your Guidance and stay on the path
I must have been a fool to ever doubt
I made a promise and now I walk in Your Light

Daily Prayer

With the first rays of the dawn
and at the light of the setting sun
With the first thought when I wake
and before dreams take hold of my mind
With Jou's Grace I walk the path
praying to leave a better world behind


Prayers for guidance when going through difficult times.

Trust Jou

When you don't know where to turn to
And you are sure all hope is gone
When the day you waited for won't come
And dark won't yield to dawn
Trust Jou and open up your eyes!
The truth is there but sometimes in disguise
Keep dreaming about a better world
The way can be uncertain but there is hope
If you just believe and trust Jou!
Open up your eyes and the faith will set you free

Jou Is My Guide

Though all before me is shadow, yet Jou shall be my guide
I shall not be left to wander the drifting stars of the galaxy
For there is no darkness in Jou's Light and none that have faith shall be lost

O' Jou

O' Jou, hear my cry
Guide me through the blackest night
Steel my heart against my fears
Fill my doubtful mind with peace


Prayers for gratitude to Jou after overcoming hardship.

Saved by Jou's Grace

My Vigo, I've been broken
And although I was not worthy
You fixed me by Your Grace
You came and saved me
I said a prayer this morning
I prayed I would find the way
To another day, I was so afraid
Until you came and saved me
And the rain was pouring
But now I'm in a better place
No longer afraid
I was saved by Your Grace

Thank You Jou

I thank you Jou for my life and everything that's followed
I thank you Jou for today and I will pray for tomorrow
I thank you Jou for Your Guidance because it is all that counts
I thank you Jou for a dream that came true to light


Prayers to celebrate Jou and her guidance of the faithful.

Hymn of Red Zrak

Where is the flame, the passion of our hearts,
Where is the colour that keeps us alive?
Beyond the blue oceans, across the grassland fields,
Hidden by the woodlands, and swamps of viridian greens.
There you shall find what you seek; powerful and burning,
Volcanic flame and glory of Zrak's Red Party.
On this path we are guided by the Grace of Jou,
She will lead us to a better world, and into the Red Dawn!

Praise Jou!

Weary as the path may be
She will lead us all to glory
To a brighter dawn
To a better world
We shall carry on
Praise Jou!