Celestial Technologies

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Celestial Technologies
General Information
Status Active
Type Mining
Formed Year 22 Day 106 (CHT)
Year 22 Day 137 (CTT)
Closed Year 25 Day 97 (CHT)

Celestial Technologies is a manufacturing company founded in Year 22 by Ctov Shek, Wes Dewback and Umora Fain. Its subsidiaries were Celestial Heavy-Tech (CHT) and Celestial Trans-Tech (CTT). Celestial Technologies began as a transportation business, operating as Celestial Transportation as early as Year 9. In Year 22 the company's leaders were approached by One Nation Under Jou to form a business partnership; Celestial Technologies would maintain mining operations in Morobe in exchange for resources and support from One Nation.

The partnership with One Nation officially began in Year 22 on Day 106 with opening of Celestial Heavy-Tech, a mining company with headquarters in Tor Aashrur on Morta. Celestial Trans-Tech was opened a month later to provide manufacturing and transport service to the galactic market. The mining and manufacturing operations in Morobe lasted until Year 24. Celestial Technologies moved their base of operations out of the system in Year 25 on Day 93, ending the three years-long business partnership. Later that year Celestial Technologies was rebranded to Celestial.


Celestial Heavy-Tech holographic featured a red lily flower in reference to Lilith of Vorsia.

  • (Year 22)
  • (Year 22)
  • (Year 25)

GNS Flashnews Archive

Year 22

  • Year 22 Day 106: Galactic business registrars recorded the opening of a new company today. Celestial Heavy-Tech specializes in Mining and will be led by Ctov Shek. The first headquarters of Celestial Heavy-Tech opened today in Tor Aashrur on Morta.
  • Year 22 Day 137: Galactic business registrars recorded the opening of a new company today. Celestial Trans-Tech specializes in Manufacturing and will be led by Wes Dewback. The first headquarters of Celestial Trans-Tech opened today in Leafar (10, 18) AMC-Recycling HQ on Leafar.

Year 25

  • Year 25 Day 97: Celestial Heavy-Tech was dissolved today.
  • Year 25 Day 180: Celestial Trans-Tech has been renamed to Celestial.